Happy Life, Happy Mag-Chan
What is Miyamoto Manufacturing?
Miyamoto Manufacturing is a Japanese company headquartered in Ibaraki Prefecture. We started in 1965 as a company engaged in processing automotive parts and since then have expanded its business to specialize in product development and sales, leveraging the untapped potential of magnesium.
The number of patents for magnesium-related products exceeds 30, and they have been approved not only in Japan but also in more than 10 countries and regions.

Our Products and Services
Sentaku Mag-chan

The product series is laundry accessory made of magnesium that is friendly to both the human body and the environment.
Just put it in the washing machine with your laundry, the highly pure magnesium reacts, causing the water to change into a weak alkaline state, effectively removing dirt and odors.
Since it does not contain synthetic chemical substances, it can be used for anyone’s laundry.It is also an earth-friendly product because of the small environmental impact of laundry wastewater.

After opening, please put the product directly into the washing machine along with your laundry. It is recommended to have only one rinse cycle. We recommend a washing time of at least 15 minutes.
After washing, hang it along with the laundry to dry.

It is effective in reducing food stains on laundry as well as annoying odors (age-related, middle fat, underarm, and cigarette odors).

Commitment to materials
The mesh material wrapping the magnesium is formaldehyde-free. In addition, in May 2022, the Mag-chan series obtained “Halal certification”.
PIECLEX Mag-chan

The latest model of <Mag-chan®> series called <PIECLEX Mag-Chan> selects environmentally friendly "PIECLEX" fiber for its container bag.
“PIECLEX” is a plant-derived fiber made from corn and/or sugarcane.
“PIECLEX” fiber is most suitable for an initiative by PIECLEX Co., Ltd. named P-FACTS; which is a circular infrastructure where fiber materials are collected for microbial-composting.
Regenerated such compost shall be used for agriculture and/or forestry.
※P-FACTS:PIECLEX FAbrics Composting Technology Solution

Goals for P-FACTS

Goals for P-FACTS
P-FACTS focuses on both push & pull phases in a transparent and fake-free circular process; firstly push to select compost-ready-materials for fabrication, then secondary, pull to collect, segregate, and compost such materials until resued in agriculture and/or forestry.
Promoting P-FACTS challenges shall bring us to a practically sustainable society, where reduction of apparel/sundry goods incineration disposal cut down on CO2 emission.
About P-FACTS Symbol

P-FACTS symbol is an authorized evidence for P-FACTS-compliance products, which promises the compostable-potential of such products.

After opening, please put the product directly into the washing machine along with your laundry. It is recommended to have only one rinse cycle. We recommend a washing time of at least 15 minutes.
After washing, hang it along with the laundry to dry.

It is effective in reducing food stains on laundry as well as annoying odors (age-related, middle fat, underarm, and cigarette odors).

Washing Mag-chan

Baby Mag-chan

Laundry Mag-chan

Washing Mag-chan L

Laundry Liquid Mag-chan

Liquid Mag-chan
for Dishwasher

Parent and Child Seal Bath Mag

The Magnesium
Mag-chan Water

This is magnesium alkaline water that can be used in many aspects of life. It can be used for cleaning around the kitchen, washing vegetables, and as water for humidifiers. It is effective in removing stains and odors. Unlike conventional strong alkaline water, this product features a weak alkalinity of pH 9.0-10.5. While having a cleaning effect, it is safe to touch the skin.

You can use this to clean your kitchen, toilet, and pet supplies, as well as for washing fruits and vegetables. It can also be used to prevent mold and slime in household appliances like humidifiers.

Mag-chan Water, with a pH value of 9.0-10.5, is effective on various types of stains and odors.

This water was born after research and development with the mission of “using magnesium to create useful products for the world”. Preservation of the global environment and effective use of water resources are also our missions.
Mag-chan Laundry

We propose a laundromat that supplies water using an alkaline water generator. It generates functional water called ‘magnesium alkaline water,’ which is suitable for laundry and allows washing without detergent.
By using magnesium alkaline water in all the equipment of the laundromat, the wastewater contains a high amount of magnesium components and can be used for agricultural water.

Advantages of Introduction

Washing without detergent or fabric softener
You can save on detergent and fabric softener costs.

Saving on electricity and water bills
One rinse reduces laundry time.

Easy maintenance
No need for detergent or fabric softener refills.*
*Regular replacement of magnesium is required.

Reduced environmental
impact on the Earth
It is possible to realize a laundromat with less environmental impact.
SDGs Declaration
of Miyamoto Manufacturing
Miyamoto Manufacturing supports the SDGs proposed by the United Nations. We strive to explore product and service development utilizing the properties of magnesium, and aim to change the definition of laundry. If we can change the way each individual does laundry, we can create a better future. We declare our commitment to realizing a sustainable society where smiles abound.
A New Definition of Laundry
- Not to pollute the environment
- Wastewater from laundry can be used for secondary purposes
- Stains can be removed
- Odor can be removed
- No harm to the human body

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are international goals aimed at creating a sustainable and better world by 2030. They were established as a successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2001 and were adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015 as part of the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
Consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets, the SDGs pledge to leave no one behind , and are universal goals that not only developing countries but also developed countries themselves are working toward. Japan actively participates in achieving the SDGs.
Contribution to SDGs
The lifestyle with Mag-chan proposed by Miyamoto Manufacturing focuses on addressing the following five social issues and contributes to building a sustainable future.

We aim to achieve sustainable industrial development and address social issues by providing useful and safe products like Mag-chan to society.

Through manufacturing that explores the potential of magnesium, we strive to provide a secure life and equal opportunities for all people regardless of age, gender, disability, race, ethnicity, birth, religion, or economic status.

Magnesium is one of the abundant resources found on Earth.
We use magnesium to create everyday products that are close to our daily lives.

One of the factors contributing to the pollution and burden on water resources is domestic wastewater (from kitchens, baths, and laundry) generated by households.
The use of Mag-chan has been confirmed to have a low environmental impact, as indicated by its low BOD (biological oxygen demand) value.

We are planning a project to reuse laundry wastewater as nutrient-rich water for agricultural purposes.
We will work to improve the water shortage crisis around the world.